

OK, lets finally kick off with a couple of last years projects,
as this first one goes for redesigning the Philips electric shaver packaging. Last year after Christmas we had a project free too choose, but it had to be considered in some kind of packaging way of design. What I was going to do was already set in my mind because I had received this Christmas present (electric shaver) which just made me hate the packaging so much, I spent like 15 minutes using 3 pairs of scissors before this shaver came out, at some point I had even considered   to use a chainsaw on it. As packaging is like a door between user and product who would like to be opening the lock sweating out for a solid amount of time? That is annoying, and mostly because it comes from such a good brand which I respect for their awesome designs and inventions in consumer products. So why there should be so much moulded plastic in that packaging which eventually is going to end up in the bin and later in the landscape, the shaver itself with all other attachments was using only 40% of that box. So I have started to develop this project aims:

> Reduce the amount of plastic/use the recycled plastic as main material
> Reduce the waist of the packaging 
> Make packaging work for the product so it would be kept rather than thrown away
> Make it of an attractive shape without with minimum graphics 
> And of-course make it easy opening

You can see on the image above (click for full size) how the stylistics and function had developed, and here is the packaging final presentation board:

That is a new design, the amount of plastic which will end up in the bin was reduced to 20% of original packaging box and mostly it uses a scrap plastic (the one which had been used already and dumped for recycling). Packaging can be easily opened by pulling down the safety switch at the back and after half of it becomes stationary docking device for your shaver and even for most popular brands of mobile phones ( why? because even when you have thrown away the shaver you can still be using this docking station for the mobiles and that will put the deadline a bit away for that plastic to end up in the bin, but now after some time has passed as well as some more research has been carried I will rethinking this one). The shape is also attractive and representative and definitely is going to stand out at the store shelf. Well  you can see everything on the boards. Hope you like the design, so stay tuned for more, next post is coming soon...

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